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手相1 生命線/Palm reading 1

素人による手相研究 その1 生命線
Palm reading research by an amateur No.1 Line: "Life"


It is said that your left palm is genetic, and right palm changes on your efforts in your lifetime.


Well, I'll introduce you the line regarding "Life" in this section.

■□■生命線 Line: "Life"■□■


It's a line starting from the point between your thumb and index finger to your wrist.

☆ 親指の付け根が生命線から離れていれば離れているほど健康体で、近ければ近いほど虚弱体質
The further the line gets, the healthier you are. The closer it gets, the less healthier you are.

☆ 線が濃ければ生命力が強く、線が薄ければ生命力が弱い
The deeper the line gets, the vitally stronger you are. The shallower it gets, the vitally weaker you are.

☆ 生命線が途中で切れているから死ぬ、という訳ではないようです。人生の大変化のようですね。
It doesn't seem like you die if the line is cut in between. It is more likely that there will be a big change in your life.

☆ 生命線が途中から太く枝分かれしているのは、転勤や海外出張等で故郷から離れるとか、あと単なる旅行好きというのもあるみたいですね。
If your line "Life" branches from the middle, you either work abroad, are separated from your home town, or just travels a lot.


That's it for today. I'll add more stuff later. This really is fun!.


Posted by Dice-ETC at 21:41 | Comments(0) | 手相リサーチ