I have to be more decisive in choosing directions.
Something might kick in if I don't leave up the space there.
That was always the case so that I couldn't make any business.
I will change my habit.
One dog, one bone.
John, I still remember you taught me this.
30 days challenge 2/30

Something might kick in if I don't leave up the space there.
That was always the case so that I couldn't make any business.
I will change my habit.
One dog, one bone.
John, I still remember you taught me this.
30 days challenge 2/30

30 days challenge 1/30
I will read 30 minutes a day and take notes for what I have read.
Here, we go.

How can you tell whether it's successful or not if you've never succeed?
I can.
30 days challenge 30/30
We are closer than ever.
I feel our bond is getting stronger and stronger as we spend more time together.
The commitment I'm involved in is about raising her rather than helping my wife do so.
I'm getting more and more responsible for her because I'm one of the parents who are there to assist her to grow.
30 days challenge 29/30
I had so many things that happened to me this year.
Some are good. Others are not.
I believe they meant to happen to make me learn.
As a matter of fact, I did learn so many things.
By the way, I'm going to learn more next year.
I apologize to all whom I caused troubles.
I appreciate to all whom cared to contact me in any ways.
30 days challenge 28/30

Some are good. Others are not.
I believe they meant to happen to make me learn.
As a matter of fact, I did learn so many things.
By the way, I'm going to learn more next year.
I apologize to all whom I caused troubles.
I appreciate to all whom cared to contact me in any ways.
30 days challenge 28/30

イングリッシュCafe を楽しみにしていた皆さん、本当に申し訳ありません。
明日 12月25日(金) は、都合のためお休みさせていただきます。
ちなみに、12月30日(水)は 朝10時前後からダイスの実家 長野市三才298-1 にて 恒例の餅つきをしておりますので、参加ご希望の方はダイスまでご連絡ください♪ ビールサーバー、バーベキューもあります☆ ビールは割り勘、バーベキューは何か焼くもの持参でお願いします。
30 days challenge 26/30

明日 12月25日(金) は、都合のためお休みさせていただきます。
ちなみに、12月30日(水)は 朝10時前後からダイスの実家 長野市三才298-1 にて 恒例の餅つきをしておりますので、参加ご希望の方はダイスまでご連絡ください♪ ビールサーバー、バーベキューもあります☆ ビールは割り勘、バーベキューは何か焼くもの持参でお願いします。
30 days challenge 26/30


Listening means a lot especially when someone is trying to open up to you.
30days challenge 25/30
I always try new things on a daily basis.
Creating new English lessons is one.
Today, I began a new commitment on something for the next few months.
I decided to get the GCDF accreditation in order to add a new skill to the list of my expertise.
Currently, I have no such qualification that I can provide anyone with a counselling.
This one stands for Global Career Development Facilitator.
I'm going to be one of them who can advise clients over their career professionally.
The course I'm going to be enrolled is an on-line course.
Its sessions are done online by using Skype with hard materials to be delivered to me in a couple of weeks, I hope.
It's the first biggest commitment in many years except marriage.
Honestly, I'm a bit scared, but more excited because I feel like I'm going back to school for the first time in about ten years.
I'll change my next ten years with this.
30 days challenge 24/30

Creating new English lessons is one.
Today, I began a new commitment on something for the next few months.
I decided to get the GCDF accreditation in order to add a new skill to the list of my expertise.
Currently, I have no such qualification that I can provide anyone with a counselling.
This one stands for Global Career Development Facilitator.
I'm going to be one of them who can advise clients over their career professionally.
The course I'm going to be enrolled is an on-line course.
Its sessions are done online by using Skype with hard materials to be delivered to me in a couple of weeks, I hope.
It's the first biggest commitment in many years except marriage.
Honestly, I'm a bit scared, but more excited because I feel like I'm going back to school for the first time in about ten years.
I'll change my next ten years with this.
30 days challenge 24/30

They are just great.
I couldn't possibly dig down to the bottom in their potential forever.
Curiousity really seems to be the momentum for evolution.
I'm also wondering who made them so curious about everything and how did they make them that way.
Responding to their curiousity is the first priority of what I do for living.
30 days challenge 23/30

I couldn't possibly dig down to the bottom in their potential forever.
Curiousity really seems to be the momentum for evolution.
I'm also wondering who made them so curious about everything and how did they make them that way.
Responding to their curiousity is the first priority of what I do for living.
30 days challenge 23/30

明日 12月21日(月) の イングリッシュCafe は平常どおり営業しております♪
2015年の イングリッシュCafe は、 21日も合わせると25日(金) のあと2回となりました。
ただただ、感謝の気持ちしかありません m(_ _)m
30 days challenge 22/30

2015年の イングリッシュCafe は、 21日も合わせると25日(金) のあと2回となりました。
ただただ、感謝の気持ちしかありません m(_ _)m
30 days challenge 22/30

Once it's begun, we're buddies.
Regardless of age, we work together.
Although we succeed or fail, we exchange ideas and reflect what went good or bad.
We learn from each other by sharing experiences among us.
Tomorrow, each of us goes back to where we do what we do.
After all, we're buddies.
22/30 30 days challenge

Regardless of age, we work together.
Although we succeed or fail, we exchange ideas and reflect what went good or bad.
We learn from each other by sharing experiences among us.
Tomorrow, each of us goes back to where we do what we do.
After all, we're buddies.
22/30 30 days challenge

明日 12月19日(土) の イングリッシュCafe は平常どおり営業しております♪
There isn't a truth or lie. It just depends on the color of the glass you are looking through.
30 day challenge 21/30

There isn't a truth or lie. It just depends on the color of the glass you are looking through.
30 day challenge 21/30

明日 12月18日(金) の イングリッシュCafe は平常どおり営業しております♪
30 days challenge 20/30

30 days challenge 20/30

Sometimes, I feel that to learn something you have to be tolerant and open to new information.
I don't think it's about what you get from learning.
What you could learn is a lot less than what could come to you in result of being tolerant and ready to accept new things without wearing any kind of glasses with colors you are looking through.
I'm so certain that I could learn more and as a matter of fact I am right here, right now.
30 days challenge 19/30

I don't think it's about what you get from learning.
What you could learn is a lot less than what could come to you in result of being tolerant and ready to accept new things without wearing any kind of glasses with colors you are looking through.
I'm so certain that I could learn more and as a matter of fact I am right here, right now.
30 days challenge 19/30

Power of laughter is protecting me.
It seems pretty hard to laugh 400 times a day like children though, I always try to do it as often as possible.
That lowers blood pressure, increases T cells to fight illness, and shakes organs and abdomal muscles.
I'm healthy now.
30 days challenge 18/30

It seems pretty hard to laugh 400 times a day like children though, I always try to do it as often as possible.
That lowers blood pressure, increases T cells to fight illness, and shakes organs and abdomal muscles.
I'm healthy now.
30 days challenge 18/30

How do you treat your heart when it's deeply hurt?
Would you keep it safe away from you, or would you expose your damaged heart no matter what?
I've been choosing the latter way, although I didn't know the other way to tell the truth.
It's quite recentl that I kind of learned how to keep my heart from knowing a shocking event.
After all, sometimes you need a bottle to keep your heart safe so that you can carry on.
30 days challenge 17/30

Would you keep it safe away from you, or would you expose your damaged heart no matter what?
I've been choosing the latter way, although I didn't know the other way to tell the truth.
It's quite recentl that I kind of learned how to keep my heart from knowing a shocking event.
After all, sometimes you need a bottle to keep your heart safe so that you can carry on.
30 days challenge 17/30

明日 12月14日(月) の イングリッシュCafe は平常どおり営業しております♪
Oliver Jeffers... 覚えておこうっと。
30 days challenge 16/30

Oliver Jeffers... 覚えておこうっと。
30 days challenge 16/30


Over 13 hours for English lessons I taught in a day finally made me happy.
I got to keep up my decent job.
30 days challenge 15/30
明日 12月12日(土) の イングリッシュCafe は平常どおり営業しております♪
30 days challenge 14/30

30 days challenge 14/30

明日 12/11(金)も平常どおり営業しております☆
30 days challenge 13/30
エンジニア英会話 『現場に到着。故障したという機械を目の前であれこれ』
この状態はいつから? When did this happen?
こうなる前に最後に触ったのは誰? Who touched the machine just before it ended up like this?
そいつに責任を取らせたいんじゃなくて、ただどこをいじってたか知りたいだけ。 I'm not looking for the one responsible, I'm just trying to get some information from the one who last touched this machine about where he or she touched.
全部機械をばらして修理することもできるけど、滞在日数が長くなっちゃうんだよ。 I could disassemble the whole thing and repair it, but it could take days.
こうなる前に触った場所が分かれば、原因がある程度分かるから、修理もその分早く終わるよ。 If I can find out which part was touched before it ended up like this, then I can figure out some causes, so I can get it fixed earlier.
30 days challenge 12/30

この状態はいつから? When did this happen?
こうなる前に最後に触ったのは誰? Who touched the machine just before it ended up like this?
そいつに責任を取らせたいんじゃなくて、ただどこをいじってたか知りたいだけ。 I'm not looking for the one responsible, I'm just trying to get some information from the one who last touched this machine about where he or she touched.
全部機械をばらして修理することもできるけど、滞在日数が長くなっちゃうんだよ。 I could disassemble the whole thing and repair it, but it could take days.
こうなる前に触った場所が分かれば、原因がある程度分かるから、修理もその分早く終わるよ。 If I can find out which part was touched before it ended up like this, then I can figure out some causes, so I can get it fixed earlier.
30 days challenge 12/30


Stress could build up or destroy our body.
Good one gives us stimulation and motivation.
Bad one gives us paranoia and psychological breakdown.
I think it depends on the balance.
Only if we can get to control it though...
30 days challenge. 11/30

Admitting is very crucial to be successful after all.
30 days challenge. 10/30
機械の設置 Installation of the machine
1.あの工具箱とって。 Pass me that toolbox.
2.それじゃなくて、ほかのやつ。 Not that one, the other one.
3.それ机の上に置いておいて。 Put it on the desk.
4.ここ抑えて。 Hold here.
5.そのまま、動かないで。 Stay there. Don't move.
6.いいよって言うまで、電源入れちゃだめ。 Don't turn it on until I say so.

30 days challenge 8/30
1.あの工具箱とって。 Pass me that toolbox.
2.それじゃなくて、ほかのやつ。 Not that one, the other one.
3.それ机の上に置いておいて。 Put it on the desk.
4.ここ抑えて。 Hold here.
5.そのまま、動かないで。 Stay there. Don't move.
6.いいよって言うまで、電源入れちゃだめ。 Don't turn it on until I say so.

30 days challenge 8/30
How tall and how powerful had I got as a human antenna before I realized?
I did't feel that I had been broadcasting my emotions to everybody who cares about me.
That means, granted that they are close to me, I might have affected even so many others.
It's been a couple of weeks that I've felt depressed over things fell right onto me.
I thought it was just me who felt sad.
I was wrong.
My negative feelings and emotions got onto the wave and were transmitted to everybody.
It's time to move on.
I really have to bust my 〇ss to send more happy emotions through the air.
30 day challenge 5/30

I did't feel that I had been broadcasting my emotions to everybody who cares about me.
That means, granted that they are close to me, I might have affected even so many others.
It's been a couple of weeks that I've felt depressed over things fell right onto me.
I thought it was just me who felt sad.
I was wrong.
My negative feelings and emotions got onto the wave and were transmitted to everybody.
It's time to move on.
I really have to bust my 〇ss to send more happy emotions through the air.
30 day challenge 5/30


Today,I completed something which I totally repeated a hundred times. Then I felt that my self confidence improved.I got to admit that I made an effort and I did it until the end, which can be said as success.
30 day challenge 4/30