Mr. Azuma has asthma.
Mr. Amemiya has anemia.
These are jokes using English and can be understood by only the Japanese.
Well, I just have fun playing with both Japanese and English words, which have common and similar sounds.

Mr. Amemiya has anemia.
These are jokes using English and can be understood by only the Japanese.
Well, I just have fun playing with both Japanese and English words, which have common and similar sounds.

1月31(土) は 8:00AM~11:30AM まで平常どおり営業しております♪
となるんですが、 この手のセリフを聞くと違和感を覚えます。

となるんですが、 この手のセリフを聞くと違和感を覚えます。

I envy kids in the 21st century, because they have free access to the massive amount of information from the Internet.
With PCs, tablet PCs or smartphones around, we can shovel as much information as possible.
Then, I wonder if the persuit of information we are looking for is similar to when we try to find a tiny piece of something in the sand on a beach.

With PCs, tablet PCs or smartphones around, we can shovel as much information as possible.
Then, I wonder if the persuit of information we are looking for is similar to when we try to find a tiny piece of something in the sand on a beach.

Recently, what's missing the most in the society is respect.
People don't respect each other.
So don't parents.
So don't neighbors.
So don't friends.
Respecting is not hard.
It's just difficult to learn from scratch.
Someone such as parent should be the one to teach children how to respect someone.
We have to start to respect each other again.

People don't respect each other.
So don't parents.
So don't neighbors.
So don't friends.
Respecting is not hard.
It's just difficult to learn from scratch.
Someone such as parent should be the one to teach children how to respect someone.
We have to start to respect each other again.

Defending where you stand is hard.
Doing so without knowing where you actually stand is dangerous in a way.
However, listening to whatever other people say sounds flexible though, the result of which would end up with losing your identity.
After all, you must establish what you want to do, where you want to stand and how you want to do what you do, and keep on going.

Doing so without knowing where you actually stand is dangerous in a way.
However, listening to whatever other people say sounds flexible though, the result of which would end up with losing your identity.
After all, you must establish what you want to do, where you want to stand and how you want to do what you do, and keep on going.

いつも イングリッシュCafe をご利用くださいまして、誠にありがとうございます。
明日 1月26日(月) は、8:45AMから11:30AMまで、平常どおり営業しております♪

明日 1月26日(月) は、8:45AMから11:30AMまで、平常どおり営業しております♪

1月25日(日) 10:00 出発 @楽茶レンガ館 (受付は2階になります) 大門交差点を北に20メートルほど上っていくと、右手に赤いレンガの建物があります♪
所要時間は1時間くらい。 歩きますよ!♪
チ → 菓 → マ → 門前英会話教室 → 11 → バ → シ → オ → 解散@権堂まちづくりセンター
テーマは 「門前に根付きつつある、新しい若者文化」 です。
こんなところでどうやって商売をしているの??? お客さんは来るの? そもそも需要はあるの?
1月25日(日) 10:00 出発 @楽茶レンガ館 (受付は2階になります) 大門交差点を北に20メートルほど上っていくと、右手に赤いレンガの建物があります♪
所要時間は1時間くらい。 歩きますよ!♪
チ → 菓 → マ → 門前英会話教室 → 11 → バ → シ → オ → 解散@権堂まちづくりセンター
テーマは 「門前に根付きつつある、新しい若者文化」 です。
こんなところでどうやって商売をしているの??? お客さんは来るの? そもそも需要はあるの?
投稿 by 権堂まちづくりセンター.
Parents put their kids into classes outside school.
Some go like, "I'd like to make my mother happy by getting good at what I do in the class".
Some go like, "I'd mess things up, so my mother makes me quit this.".
Some go like, "I'd improve what I do here for my self.".
Honestly, the second case is just terrible to a teacher like me.
In fact, I've suffered a lot from it over and over again.
It actually took over ten years to be fluent in English in my case.
It's just IMPOSSIBLE for kids like that to master English conversation in the first place, because his or her motivation is too low to begin with.
In addition to their motivation issues, especially their parents always tell their kids to use and speak English at home and in the class.
I'm very confident that their intentions will bring exactly the opposite outcomes.
Kids should just enjoy being in an English-spoken environment for as many years as possible.

Some go like, "I'd like to make my mother happy by getting good at what I do in the class".
Some go like, "I'd mess things up, so my mother makes me quit this.".
Some go like, "I'd improve what I do here for my self.".
Honestly, the second case is just terrible to a teacher like me.
In fact, I've suffered a lot from it over and over again.
It actually took over ten years to be fluent in English in my case.
It's just IMPOSSIBLE for kids like that to master English conversation in the first place, because his or her motivation is too low to begin with.
In addition to their motivation issues, especially their parents always tell their kids to use and speak English at home and in the class.
I'm very confident that their intentions will bring exactly the opposite outcomes.
Kids should just enjoy being in an English-spoken environment for as many years as possible.
Motivated people meet the likes.
With no scientific evidence around, I feel those people emit signals.
It soon or later reaches people with antennae.
My antenna caught a signal for the first time this year, which was one of the strongest ones.
Now it all depends on ...
I'm sure this motivated one will rise.

With no scientific evidence around, I feel those people emit signals.
It soon or later reaches people with antennae.
My antenna caught a signal for the first time this year, which was one of the strongest ones.
Now it all depends on ...
I'm sure this motivated one will rise.

Once I had full of energy.
It took me anywhere and it let me do anything no matter how long.
Now it's different.
My energy runs out more easily and gets me think how to use more efficiently.
I do some exercises, but the absolute amount of energy I can store has been less and less.
I have to become wiser to control it.
There has to be a structural change in my energy using policy.

It took me anywhere and it let me do anything no matter how long.
Now it's different.
My energy runs out more easily and gets me think how to use more efficiently.
I do some exercises, but the absolute amount of energy I can store has been less and less.
I have to become wiser to control it.
There has to be a structural change in my energy using policy.

Past isn't nothing.
It might have been some cumbersome story to tell.
In fact, now is what accumulated from it.
I don't regret it, because now I live based on it.

It might have been some cumbersome story to tell.
In fact, now is what accumulated from it.
I don't regret it, because now I live based on it.

明日 1月19日(月) のイングリッシュCafeは8:45AMから11:30AMまで平常どおり営業しております☆


Sometimes, you go to something to work on.
Other times, something to work on comes to you.
I appreciate both cases a lot.

Other times, something to work on comes to you.
I appreciate both cases a lot.

いつも イングリッシュCafe をご利用くださいまして、誠にありがとうございます。
明日 1月16日(金) は9:45AMから11:30AMまで営業します。

明日 1月16日(金) は9:45AMから11:30AMまで営業します。

I can't see a human aura that clearly.
But sometimes I can feel it.
It can be broken down into three types; positive one, neutral one or negative one.
Mine is rather positive than neutral though, I know I'm a bit stagnant nowadays.
It's really interesting that people of each type gather or attract to each other.
Someone whom I've known for years suddenly visited me the other day.
That person seemed to have been affected by negative side until recently, but as long as I can feel, that person is now trying very hard to come to rather positive side of neutral.
We kind of attracted to each other under the condition carrying a similar type of aura, that's why...

But sometimes I can feel it.
It can be broken down into three types; positive one, neutral one or negative one.
Mine is rather positive than neutral though, I know I'm a bit stagnant nowadays.
It's really interesting that people of each type gather or attract to each other.
Someone whom I've known for years suddenly visited me the other day.
That person seemed to have been affected by negative side until recently, but as long as I can feel, that person is now trying very hard to come to rather positive side of neutral.
We kind of attracted to each other under the condition carrying a similar type of aura, that's why...

I learned that our fears could be mitigated by expressing our honest feeling about them orally or in a form of writing.
It really worked.
At least my fear turned into a joy.

It really worked.
At least my fear turned into a joy.

Automobiles can't run without petrol.
We consume a motivation instead of petrol to do things.
It's a must source of energy for everyone though, our need for it isn't as important as the need of teenagers.
I think teenagers can't live without a motivation, which is only the source of energy for them to survive.
What I do for teaching them is to mine their motivations.

We consume a motivation instead of petrol to do things.
It's a must source of energy for everyone though, our need for it isn't as important as the need of teenagers.
I think teenagers can't live without a motivation, which is only the source of energy for them to survive.
What I do for teaching them is to mine their motivations.

新年開始以来、イングリッシュCafe に男性が一人も来ていないという珍事が継続中ですが、男性のみなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか?
ダイスは少し風邪気味ですが、明日1月12日(月)も 8:45AM から 11:30AM まで平常どおり営業しております☆

ダイスは少し風邪気味ですが、明日1月12日(月)も 8:45AM から 11:30AM まで平常どおり営業しております☆

I knew it would happen that small to mid companies revealed their cases regarding the complaints from their customers after the big corporation held the press conference over the issues which their products contained some plastic objects.
The timing of which makes me think that they were planning this whole wrong doing cases since long time ago while our government was trying to pass new law or set up new regulations which don't serve us well.
What's wrong with our country?

The timing of which makes me think that they were planning this whole wrong doing cases since long time ago while our government was trying to pass new law or set up new regulations which don't serve us well.
What's wrong with our country?

いつも イングリッシュCafe をご利用くださいまして、誠にありがとうございます。
明日 1/10 (土)も平常どおり営業しております。
イングリッシュCafe は、英会話のスポーツジムのような位置付けで活用していただいてもいいんじゃないかと思っています☆
Charging is an exchange of goods or services for cash.
Cash is needed to pay for things cost every single day.
Things cost for a reason.
A famous phrase comes across.
"No pain, no gain."
I would say, "no paying, no gain."
You will end up with gaining nothing if you keep refusing to pay.

Cash is needed to pay for things cost every single day.
Things cost for a reason.
A famous phrase comes across.
"No pain, no gain."
I would say, "no paying, no gain."
You will end up with gaining nothing if you keep refusing to pay.

Running a business is like a drug.
The more profit, the happier.
There's just no turning back.
On the contrary, shopping is also like a drug.
The cheaper goods you get, the happier.
Happy shopping experiences will urge you to shop more.
Anyone who runs any business should be close to those who buy services or goods.
Both parties can stop each other from loosing their control.

The more profit, the happier.
There's just no turning back.
On the contrary, shopping is also like a drug.
The cheaper goods you get, the happier.
Happy shopping experiences will urge you to shop more.
Anyone who runs any business should be close to those who buy services or goods.
Both parties can stop each other from loosing their control.

You might be able to feel secure even in a battle field.
If it's safe or not is another issue.
Insurance, capable personnel, or word of mouth could make you feel secure though, it means nothing if natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or battles take place often.
Which would you like security or safety?

If it's safe or not is another issue.
Insurance, capable personnel, or word of mouth could make you feel secure though, it means nothing if natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or battles take place often.
Which would you like security or safety?

I run in the evening to enjoy listening to my favorite tunes and empty my head.
The moment my mind starts to be clear is when my ears start not to listen to what I am listening.
I read to collect thoughts.
I run to clear them.
That's how I manage information in my head.
It always starts with taking risks.
We have too many people who can't do without gambling in a country where gambling for cash is prohibited.
Life isn't if we win or lose.
It's to continue as long as possible.
Gamblers are so talented to use up all they obtain from winning.
Our government seems to take more risks though, now we need a leader who can do without putting all our money for betting.

We have too many people who can't do without gambling in a country where gambling for cash is prohibited.
Life isn't if we win or lose.
It's to continue as long as possible.
Gamblers are so talented to use up all they obtain from winning.
Our government seems to take more risks though, now we need a leader who can do without putting all our money for betting.