ダイスが毎週水曜日に ベロベロLIVE英会話レッスンを 放送させていただいている
カフェ&バー Orca オルカ さんで
The grill oven at cafe&bar orca is now up and running! This place is where I do a live English lesson and in-store show on wednesdays, drinking...
そして気になるお料理なんですが、 ハーブとスパイスを独自に調合し、このフランス製のグリルオーブンでじっくりとローストした外はカリッと、中はジューシーな
So, I'd like to introduce a menu comes right out of it. That's "Rotisserie Chicken".
It's delicately prepared in the original proportion between many different herbs and spices, and grilled in this French made grill oven for a long time to make it crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.
Do you want to know what it looks like?
Today, they let me in the kitchen and take pictures of it in the close range just for me ;-)
OK. Here, we go.

Cafe & Bar Orca オルカ
〒380-0833 長野市権堂町2300 OPEN 屋敷1F
OPEN Yashiki 1F, 2300 Gondo-Cho, Nagano-Shi, Nagano, JAPAN 380-0833
Tel. 026-217-7391
E-mail. bonapetit@glovier.info
Web. http://orca.glovier.info
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Posted by Dice-ETC at 21:10 | Comments(0)
| 気になるお店♪
カフェ&バー Orca オルカ さんで
The grill oven at cafe&bar orca is now up and running! This place is where I do a live English lesson and in-store show on wednesdays, drinking...
そして気になるお料理なんですが、 ハーブとスパイスを独自に調合し、このフランス製のグリルオーブンでじっくりとローストした外はカリッと、中はジューシーな
So, I'd like to introduce a menu comes right out of it. That's "Rotisserie Chicken".
It's delicately prepared in the original proportion between many different herbs and spices, and grilled in this French made grill oven for a long time to make it crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.
Do you want to know what it looks like?
Today, they let me in the kitchen and take pictures of it in the close range just for me ;-)
OK. Here, we go.

Cafe & Bar Orca オルカ
〒380-0833 長野市権堂町2300 OPEN 屋敷1F
OPEN Yashiki 1F, 2300 Gondo-Cho, Nagano-Shi, Nagano, JAPAN 380-0833
Tel. 026-217-7391
E-mail. bonapetit@glovier.info
Web. http://orca.glovier.info
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