ぷくぷく亭 さんのおにぎりが 権堂まちづくりセンター まで出張販売することになったようです。
Hand-made flavored rice balls at Puku-Puku-Tei are now available at Gondo Community Center's cafe section.
I'm happy about that because they got closer to my place.

以下が う・マイブログ さんの ぷくぷく亭 に関する記事です☆
I'll post an article of U-Mai Blog about them below ;-)
ダイスの主観で大変恐縮なのですが、ぷくぷく亭 さんのおにぎりが好きな理由は、
Why do I like their rice balls anyway???
They basically sell rice, so it's carefully selected
The scent of the seaweed to be used doubles or triples your appetite
Integrity of each flavor, rice, seaweed and the filling, is awesome
ぷくぷく亭 さんのホームページ The following link is their website. http://www.e-gohan.jp
大きな地図で見る Get closer
Posted by Dice-ETC at 15:15 | Comments(0)
| 気になるお店♪
Hand-made flavored rice balls at Puku-Puku-Tei are now available at Gondo Community Center's cafe section.
I'm happy about that because they got closer to my place.
以下が う・マイブログ さんの ぷくぷく亭 に関する記事です☆
I'll post an article of U-Mai Blog about them below ;-)
ダイスの主観で大変恐縮なのですが、ぷくぷく亭 さんのおにぎりが好きな理由は、
Why do I like their rice balls anyway???
They basically sell rice, so it's carefully selected
The scent of the seaweed to be used doubles or triples your appetite
Integrity of each flavor, rice, seaweed and the filling, is awesome
ぷくぷく亭 さんのホームページ The following link is their website. http://www.e-gohan.jp
大きな地図で見る Get closer