今や日本語で データ や メディア という言葉はごくごく一般的に使われています。
We use loan words like "data" and "media" quite often in Japan nowadays.
これらの言葉は英語に直すとそれぞれ "datum" と "medium" になります。
However, they are originally "datum" and "medium" in English.
Huh? It's different from what you've thought of??
そう、現在日本語として使われている 「 data 資料」 や 「 media 媒体」 という言葉は、元の英単語の複数形なんです。
Yep. These words we use as Japanese are their plural forms as a matter of fact.
Having said that this way, I figured it out TODAY LOL

Posted by Dice-ETC at 11:03 | Comments(0)
| 知らなかったこと
We use loan words like "data" and "media" quite often in Japan nowadays.
これらの言葉は英語に直すとそれぞれ "datum" と "medium" になります。
However, they are originally "datum" and "medium" in English.
Huh? It's different from what you've thought of??
そう、現在日本語として使われている 「 data 資料」 や 「 media 媒体」 という言葉は、元の英単語の複数形なんです。
Yep. These words we use as Japanese are their plural forms as a matter of fact.
Having said that this way, I figured it out TODAY LOL