Even though I've been living in Nagano for three decades, I was totally ignorant of the existence of the onsen's sanctuary. It's Shibu Onsen resort.
Onsen, in my memory, was a one-day trip or two-day trip with staying over. That was it. Basically, the trip was just between home and onsen facilities.
However, Shibu Onsen resort was different. Your trip just doesn't end there at the ryokan hotel you stay.
Ryokan hotel guests actively go out and enjoy the stamp rally to complete stamps from all nine different onsen facilities called "so-to-yu".
Through those nine onsen facilities, you will find narrow streets and neat shops, which will stimulate your adventure mind.

Posted by Dice-ETC at 23:34 | Comments(0)
| 知らなかったこと
Even though I've been living in Nagano for three decades, I was totally ignorant of the existence of the onsen's sanctuary. It's Shibu Onsen resort.
Onsen, in my memory, was a one-day trip or two-day trip with staying over. That was it. Basically, the trip was just between home and onsen facilities.
However, Shibu Onsen resort was different. Your trip just doesn't end there at the ryokan hotel you stay.
Ryokan hotel guests actively go out and enjoy the stamp rally to complete stamps from all nine different onsen facilities called "so-to-yu".
Through those nine onsen facilities, you will find narrow streets and neat shops, which will stimulate your adventure mind.