2012年 4月 1日 から新しいサービスを開始いたします。
I'll start a new service on April 1st, 2012.
I named this service "Study support for the children who can't go to school".
対象は、小学校 児童 から 高校 3年生 程度までです。
Target students are between elementary school students and 3rd year students in high school.
Since the children who can't go to school or simply can't go out are of the target, basically I'll come over to their houses like a home tutor.
現在可能な時間帯 応相談
Please ask for day and time available.
※4月中は 火曜日と水曜日も可能です。 In April, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are also available.
特別料金表/Special Rates Table(新しいウィンドウが開きます/New browser window will open)
You can find rates on the special rates table in the link above.
You can start anytime, so please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.

Posted by Dice-ETC at 11:06 | Comments(0)
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2012年 4月 1日 から新しいサービスを開始いたします。
I'll start a new service on April 1st, 2012.
I named this service "Study support for the children who can't go to school".
対象は、小学校 児童 から 高校 3年生 程度までです。
Target students are between elementary school students and 3rd year students in high school.
Since the children who can't go to school or simply can't go out are of the target, basically I'll come over to their houses like a home tutor.
現在可能な時間帯 応相談
Please ask for day and time available.
※4月中は 火曜日と水曜日も可能です。 In April, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are also available.
特別料金表/Special Rates Table(新しいウィンドウが開きます/New browser window will open)
You can find rates on the special rates table in the link above.
You can start anytime, so please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.

2012年 4月 1日 から新しいサービスを開始いたします。
I'll start a new service on April 1st, 2012.
I named this service "Study support for the children who can't go to school".
対象は、小学校 児童 から 高校 3年生 程度までです。
Target students are between elementary school students and 3rd year students in high school.
Since the children who can't go to school or simply can't go out are of the target, basically I'll come over to their houses like a home tutor.
現在可能な時間帯 応相談
Please ask for day and time available.
※4月中は 火曜日と水曜日も可能です。 In April, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are also available.
特別料金表/Special Rates Table(新しいウィンドウが開きます/New browser window will open)
You can find rates on the special rates table in the link above.
You can start anytime, so please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.