Dice's Today's Schedule

「 挑戦 / My next step ;-) 」

午前中 Morning
07:30 起床 Boot ;-)
08:10 朝食 Having breakfast
09:15 土木作業 Some construction things ;-)
09:20 ブログ更新 Updating my blog
09:30 事務所掃除 Cleaning in my office
10:00 書類関係確認 Checking if I have all the necessary documents
午後 Afternoon
12:05 昼食 Having lunch
14:15 事務所整理 Putting away my things into the right boxes
16:00 - 16:50レッスン@西町教室 English lesson at Nishimachi school
23:00 事務所到着 Arriving in the office
24:00 就寝予定 Going to bed w/

Posted by Dice-ETC at 09:29 | Comments(0)
| 今日のスケジュール
Dice's Today's Schedule

「 挑戦 / My next step ;-) 」

午前中 Morning
07:30 起床 Boot ;-)
08:10 朝食 Having breakfast
09:15 土木作業 Some construction things ;-)
09:20 ブログ更新 Updating my blog
09:30 事務所掃除 Cleaning in my office
10:00 書類関係確認 Checking if I have all the necessary documents
午後 Afternoon
12:05 昼食 Having lunch
14:15 事務所整理 Putting away my things into the right boxes
16:00 - 16:50レッスン@西町教室 English lesson at Nishimachi school
23:00 事務所到着 Arriving in the office
24:00 就寝予定 Going to bed w/