老舗の酒蔵 「西之門 よしのや」 さんは、善光寺の交差点を東に行ったところの角にあります。
There's a historic sake brewery "Nishi-no-mon Yoshinoya" on the corner east from the Zenkoji intersection.
試飲もでき、同じ敷地内にある 「レストラン さくら」 さんでは食事もできます。
You can try for tasting most of their sake and have meal at Restaurant Sakura in the same premises.
The name of the restaurant is Sakura. It means a cherry blossom. As its name says, you can see an astonishing view of cherry blossoms in full bloom when the timing is right.

Posted by Dice-ETC at 18:51 | Comments(0)
| 写真いろいろ
There's a historic sake brewery "Nishi-no-mon Yoshinoya" on the corner east from the Zenkoji intersection.
試飲もでき、同じ敷地内にある 「レストラン さくら」 さんでは食事もできます。
You can try for tasting most of their sake and have meal at Restaurant Sakura in the same premises.
The name of the restaurant is Sakura. It means a cherry blossom. As its name says, you can see an astonishing view of cherry blossoms in full bloom when the timing is right.